Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment available for pigmented skin and vascular lesions. September and October is the time of year that we see an influx of clients who are unhappy with their skin tone following their recent summer holiday. The result of a break in the sun (apart from feeling relaxed and refreshed) is often an increase in brown marks on the skin caused by exposure to the sun. This can happen to anyone, even those using the highest sun protection factor and wearing a hat.

We recently treated a client with this very problem. Take a look at her review of Lumecca and the see how this treatment has transformed her skin.

Lumecca for Sun Damage – I’m Hooked!

For many years, following my summer holiday or a winter sun break I have developed annoying pigmentation marks on my skin. I have religiously used factor 50 and worn a hat, but like many women it hasn’t been enough to keep these brown marks at bay.

In previous years I have used ZO Health prescription skin products – most recently Melamin and Melamix with Retinol. These have been fabulous for fading stubborn marks, but this time after my summer holiday I wanted something to give me a bright, smooth complexion and get rid of these sun sports that plague my winter! After chatting to Jolanta and Dr. Judy Todd I opted for Lumecca and to use the Zo Health products following this treatment, if required.

Lumecca Treatment – Day 2 and Day 14

The treatment

I went in a week before the treatment, and a month after exposing my skin to the sun, for a patch test. When I went in for my treatment Jolanta applied a cool gel to my face and started up the laser. I had braced myself for it to be painful but was pleasantly surprised when there was no pain at all and I didn’t even flinch. It felt warm and as though a rubber band was snapping gently on my face – and certainly less painful than laser hair removal. She went over each area twice, checking to see how it was working in order to get the level just righ. The process took no longer than 20 to 30 minutes.

Down time

There really wasn’t any downtime – my skin looked nothing more than flushed and there was no noticeable change. This meant that I could get on with my life, collect the children and go to work the next day without anyone noticing marks or spots, which is great when you are busy and can’t hide for a few days!

Day 2

Two days after my treatment I noticed the pigmentation looking darker, and freckles looking more noticeable. These dark patches were easy to cover up with make up and I found them encouraging as it meant that the pigmentation was coming to the surface of my skin.

Day 5

The spots are darker and it looks like coffee grounds on my skin. According to Jolanta this pigmentation will either flake off or be absorbed into the skin. The Lumecca treatment has also stimulated collagen to fill in the space around the pores, helping to shrink them. I have certainly noticed that my skin looks smooth and tighter around the cheek area. The marks are still not noticeable and I can cover them easily with makeup.

Day 7

Most of the pigmentation has flaked off apart from a few areas and I’m left with brighter pigmentation-free skin. The results are extremely encouraging and for the first time in years these marks have disappeared.

Day 10

After just one treatment, my skin has never looked better. This treatment has tightened my pores and given my skin a glow. Post-inflammatory marks have faded dramatically and most brown spots are gone, especially the ones on my lower cheek and jaw. I have now stopped my prescription creams from ZO Health and I’ve noticed less breakouts. In fact, I’ve gone from a heavy coverage foundation to a tinted moisturiser.  I’ll be having another treatment to ensure I have made the most of the results and brighten my skin even further.

The verdict – I would recommend this treatment to anyone and I’m completely hooked! Now when I go on holiday and get that sinking feeling that the marks have returned, I know there’s a treatment available that can deal with the marks.